« Cook book » by DV Power, provides OLTC dynamic graph interpretation assistance [go to CONTACT US page and submit a request for latest rev.]

« Combined Transformer testing ( TTR, WRT , DVtest and demag) » by DV Power explains the benefits of common cable sets and software between the models TWA-40D,  TRT400, TWA400, TRT500 and TWA500 and TRT63A [click]
« Testing Phase Shifting Transformers » by DV Power explains how the TRUE 3 phase TTR functions of the TRT series ensures accurate phase angle measurements [click]

« OLTC Testing Sequence » by ProgUSAmakes a step by step operator procedure to do this new diagnostic test and save the results properly [go to CONTACT US page and submit a request for latest rev]

« OLTC Dynamic testing intro paper » by DV Power as originally presented in March 2011[click]

DV Power has many related application notes listed available on their home site “go to SUPPLIER LINKS page to get to DV Power

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